Thursday, December 20, 2007

Life's a Buzz

To all of my friends that think I have fallen off of the face of the planet, I assure you I have not. Life is crazy around here (as usual). Tomorrow at 7 am, Sophie goes for surgery to have tubes put in and bloodwork drawn to test her immune system. She is a little girl, everywhere I go people say, "Is she really almost one?" YES YES YES! She is growing so much lately, and talking up a storm, she will repeat almost anything we say- here she is saying "jump jumpy jumpy" after Sullivan was jumping on the bed. I swear, she is getting so big! We are hoping once the tubes drain the fluid that she will be able to walk again.

And Sullivan, what is he up to? He had a dance performance at an alzheimers retirement center this past weekend. He did his ballet routine great, then for tap, he did a solo dance. It was the cutest thing ever! I know I am prejudice, but man, he had all the ladies there after him! It was wonderful- he stood up there in front of all of those people, smiling away, and did his dance great! He is getting really good at tap. Its getting pretty amazing. He had his school performance this week, so I thought I would share a video of him singing.

Sullivan at tap:

Sullivan and Sophie in robes they got for Christmas. Sullivan thinks it makes him a superhero!

Sullivan and Mrs. Weber, his pre-k teacher. He is in love with her! She made him the necklace he is wearing for Christmas.