Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's December Folks!

Can you believe its here already? Craziness huh? What that means is that in 22 days, Sophie will be TWO years old! I can't believe time has flown so fast. But, I must say, she has turned two in every way. Her communication skills surprise us every day. Seriously, she talks REALLY well. She says new things every day, she yells new things at us all of the time, and we are pretty sure she cusses us out when we can't understand what she is saying. She watches Dora any chance she can get. As a matter of fact, the first thing she says when she wakes up is (in a mean tone "Momma, Dora on the TV now." Yeah..... She likes to play, jump, and love on her brother. She is big into hugs right now. She is super mischeivious. Last week, the kids built a gingerbread house at my mom's house. Sullivan really wanted his daddy to see it before they dug in. So, we were kind of shocked when we woke up the next morning to find this:
Speaking of Sullivan, he is reading really well these days. He loves Dick and Jane books (which I have yet to understand the reasoning behind). We've been renting them from the library since he reads through them so quickly. This last week we rented some Dr. Seuss books to read, and he was laughing through the whole books. The kid definitely has a sense of humor. He also has a big heart, his list for Santa includes quite a few things that are for his sister (we can't figure out if he really wants her to have them or if he just wants her to leave his stuff alone.)

The kids are growing, we are getting ready for Christmas. We are trying to convince Daddy that Santa needs to bring us a trampoline. He is a big safety guy, so its taking some serious convincing. So, neither of my kids have ever been very interested in pajamas. Now that its getting colder and Sophie is sleeping in her own bed (you read that right folks!), we have been trying to get her to wear them. She has plenty, just refuses them. She tells us she feels "stuck" with them on. So, last night, while we were going through our routine of putting all of her babies in their perfect places and covering them all up so she could go to bed, she made me pull all of their clothes off so that they wouldn't be stuck either. Thank God for heaters. Oh yeah, she was doing great pottying until Nanny bought her some Dora pullups, now she only wants to wear them. And, she has to kiss Dora (on the pullup) and then turn it over and kiss Boots before you can put them on. Santa is bringing her some Dora panties (so I have heard).


Brandy said...

I can't believe how big they are looking here lately! Both of them! And yea, I was rooting for a trampoline too, but now I'm leaning more towards a bday present in March. ;)