Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Sullivan and I are TOTALLY pumped about cooking our annual Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. I LOVE cooking for Thanksgiving and have since we have been married. We almost left this year, but decided to stay home. Tomorrow we will cook away and have leftovers for weeks. HOORAY.

Here are things we are thankful for over here:

A husband who loves me so much, who has desire and a crazy ambition to be the boss
A little boy who is as gorgeous inside as he is outside, who is learning to read, and soaking in knowledge by leaps and bounds
A little girl who looks ridONCulously cute in pigtails, allows me to dress her in some crazy outfits and put very large bows in her hair, who is taking in the world around her faster than I can teach her
Parents who love me dearly and support me in any way possible
Family, LOTS of family
My best bud Jamie, who has listened to hours of gab, who sends random cards when I need them, and who I am loving raising families with at the same time
My BFF Tiff, the bestest friend a girl could ask for- we are too alike for our own good
Too many loving friends who are willing to open up their lives and families' lives to share!

My daddy building legos with me
When people give me legos so my daddy can build them
That there is a Santa Claus who might give me legos
(and just in case you think he is rotten)- That God is proud of me

Dora Potty Chair
Dora Pullups
Dora Movies in the car
Dora Movies on my daddy's phone
Dora Movies you can rent
Dora shows that come on the tv
DVRs to record Dora shows on