Friday, May 23, 2008

The Graduate

How it happened, I will never know. I woke up one day, and he was a big boy! Sullivan graduated from Pre-K Tuesday night. It was very sentimental. They did it just like a real thing, he got to walk across the stage and have his whole name read out. Mommy did a lot of crying. I just don't know where the time went. Seriously! He made us so proud though! We got a great video with the presentation before hand where the kids sang 13 songs. They did wonderfully, and I will have to figure out how to upload that later. It was real fun getting Sophie to sit still and pay attention, but she was very proud of her BoBo as well. As soon as she realized it was him on the stage, she listed intently. Here are a few pictures from the evening of my little man.


Steve Buser said...

Tell Sullivan we are very proud of him. He looks so grown up. We love him very much and miss him more and more all the time. Please also tell Sophie hi for her nanny and paw paw.
Nanny Buser

Brandy said...

Noooooo!!!! I refuse to believe he is that old already!

Ana said...

he looks great! I can't believe he AND Sam are in Kindergarten!

Sara :) said...

yeah! congrats to sullivan what an accomplishment:)