Saturday, July 28, 2007


Tonight we had some of the best watermelon I have ever had. Even Miss Sophie got her first taste. It didn't stop there- I hope she doesn't have a reaction, because she ate ALOT of it. She wouldn't quit!!! She enjoys anything she thinks her brother does. Sullivan ate about 15 pieces- seriously. We had to mop the floors, there was watermelon juice everywhere. It probably would have been wiser to eat it outside, but hey, it was fun. Don't look at the cabinets wide open- I had just cleaned out the dishwasher. I hope you are enjoying your summer. I read a quote the other day that explains just how we live with these two bundles of joy. I hope it inspires you-
"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will realize that they were the big things." I hope Sullivan remembers silly nights where we ate watermelon for dinner, hosed him down, then played Candyland for what felt like three hours!!!